EWG Discredited by Scientists

news_views_icon“Discredited by Scientists, Ignored by Media – It’s Time for EWG to Retire Decades Old ‘List'” by SafeFruitsandVeggies.com.brocolli_vegtable_food_150
A five-year analysis of media coverage of the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) so-called “dirty dozen” list shows a steady decline in overall coverage, unbalanced coverage and consumer reach. And last week, when EWG released its 2015 list, mainstream media outlets largely ignored the “list” and coverage dropped to negligible levels. Until 2010, EWG’s list had become one of the main sources of misinformation about produce safety targeted toward consumers – until the Alliance for Food and Farming’s (AFF) Management Board said “no more” to disparaging these safe and healthy products and launched the Safe Fruits and Veggies initiative. The initiative’s goal is to provide consumers with science based information so that facts, not fear, guide food purchasing decisions. Read more.

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