Food Chemophobia

news_views_icon“Eight Toxic Foods: A Little Chemical Education,” by Derek Lowe.chips
Many people who read this blog are chemists. Those who aren’t often come from other branch of the sciences, and if they don’t, it’s safe to say that they’re at least interested in science (or they probably don’t hang around very long!) It’s difficult, if you live and work in this sort of environment, to keep in mind what people are willing to believe about chemistry. But that’s what we have the internet for. Many science-oriented bloggers have taken on what’s been called “chemophobia”, and they’ve done some great work tearing into some some really uninformed stuff out there. But nonsense does not obey any conservation law. It keeps on coming. It’s always been in long supply, and it looks like it always will be. Read the full article at In the Pipeline.

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