Pesticide Residue Worries

IWF_Logo2“Pesticide Residue Calculator,” Julie Gunlock.apples3
I was once told by another mother (visiting my house for a playdate) that I was putting my children at risk by letting them eat non-organic apples. She warned me about “those awful pesticides” and got even more nervous when I pulled out the non-organic milk (I write about this incident in more detail in my new book, available here). It took all my strength (and good manners) not to kick her out of my house right then and there but I decided that this was a good test for me. Could I convince this Kool-Aid drinking mom that she was misinformed about conventionally grown food? Could I relieve her of her habit of spending her scarce resources on no-healthier organic fruit? Could I make her stop screeching and biting her nails? Read more on IWF’s Inkwell Blog.

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