Endocrine Disruptors and Male Fertility

“Phthalates And Prostates: Endocrine Disruptors Shortening The Distance Between Male Anus And Penis,” By Hank Campbell.
Men are becoming more effeminate. That is not news. If you watched the ESA’s Rosetta mission arrive at Comet P67 you saw a tattoo-covered fellow talk about engineering and he looked manly, but two days later he was crying during a press conference because his bowling shirt had offended women on Twitter. The signs of feminization are not just present in large, bearded men crying because online bullies don’t like their clothes. They are also present in decreased anogenital distance – the distance from the anus to the penis, in men, according to recent research. Yes, the distance between the anus and penis has shortened but that is not the only issue. The sperm of Danish men has also gotten worse. Only 23 percent of young Danish army recruits had optimal sperm quality, according to a 2012 finding. Read more.