Grading the Pollinator Strategy

news_views_icon“Grading The President’s Strategy To Promote Bee Health,” By Hank Campbell.honeybeeonwatermellonflower
In 2006 there was a serious decline in the number of honey bee colonies in parts of Europe and the United States and it brought renewed concern about another Colony Collapse Disorder, which had last occurred in the mid-1990s. Bee colonies rebounded quickly and are higher than ever but the question lingered; what caused these periodic collapses? Answers ranged from pests to viruses and pesticides and studies did nothing more than conclude “it’s complicated”. In June of 2014(1) the Obama administration created a task force to look into it and their report and an action plan just came out and the timing couldn’t be better, because a new survey of bee losses has just been released as well. Read more.


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