Malaria & DDT Links

Malaria Related Websites:

Africa Fighting Malaria

Malaria Foundation International

The President’s Malaria Initiative

Roll Back Malaria Partnership

World Health Organization

Scientific Publications:

“Balancing Risks on the Backs of the Poor”
Amir Attaran, Donald R. Roberts, Chris F. Curtis, and Wenceslaus L. Kilama
Nature Medicine, July 2000

“Risks and Benefits of DDT”
Gilbert Ross, M.D.
Letters, The Lancet, November 19, 2005

“DDT, Global Strategies, and a Malaria Control Crisis in South America”
Donald R. Roberts, Larry L. Laughlin, Paul Hsheih, and Llewellyn J. Legters
Emerging Infectious Diseases, July-Sept. 1997

“DDT House Spraying and Re-emerging Malaria”
D. R. Roberts, S Manguin, J Mouchet
The Lancet, July 22, 2000.

“How Toxic is DDT?”
A.G. Smith
The Lancet, July 22, 2000

“DDT for Malaria Control Should not be Banned”
By Amir Attaran and Rajendra Mahara
British Medical Journal, December 2, 2000

Policy Studies and Testimony:

World Malaria Report 2005
World Health Organization, UNICEF

When Politics Kills: Malaria and the DDT Story
By Richard Tren and Roger Bate
Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2000.

DDT Saves Lives in Fight Against Malaria
Roger Bate and Richard Tren
November 1, 2005

How Rachel Carson Distorted The History of DDT
John Berlau
Ecofreaks: Environmentalism Is Hazardous to Your Health! (excerpt)
Thomas Nelson, 2007

“The DDT Ban”
Bonner Cohen
The Green Wave: Environmentalism and Its Consequences (excerpt)
Capital Research Center, 2006.

Confronting the Malaria Threat
Excerpts of Roger Bate Testimony before the House Subcommittee on Africa on Malaria and TB in Africa
October 1, 2004

The DDT Ban Turns 30
Todd Seavey, American Council on Science and Health
Saturday, June 1, 2002

News Stories and Commentary:

“What the World Needs Now Is DDT”
Tina Rosenberg
April 11, 2004

“It’s Time to Spray DDT”
Nicholas D. Kristof
The New York Times, January 2005

Open Letter to DDT Treaty Negotiators and list of signatories
March 29, 1999.

“Kenyan Environmental Ethics: The DDT Story”
James Shikwati
Fraser Forum, May 2003

“How Environmentalism Kills the Poor”
Roger Bate
Wall Street Journal Europe, October 5, 2000

“WSJ: DDT Saves Lives”
Amy Ridenour
National Center for Public Policy Research, November 8, 2005

Let Us Spray! Malaria and DDT in Mozambique
By Thomas R. DeGregori, Ph.D.
March 20, 2000

POPs Treaty and the Real “Stolen Future”
Richard Tren
Thursday, June 27, 2002

“Fighting Environmentalists to Use DDT to Fight Malaria in Africa”
Amy Ridenour
National Center for Public Policy Research, November 8, 2005

“The Case of the DDT Deniers”
John Berlau
National Review Online
November 29, 2006

“Better Living Through Chemistry”
Alexander Gourevitch
Washington Monthly, March 2003

“Wrongful Ban on DDT Costs Lives”
Walter Williams
Jewish World Review
July 2004

More links:

“100 things you should know about DDT”
J. Gordon Edwards and Steven Milloy