The New Yorker’s Puff Piece on Tyrone Hayes

“Did The New Yorker Botch Puff Piece On Frog Scientist Tyrone Hayes, Turning Rogue into Beleaguered Hero?” by Jon Entine. Who Is Tyrone Hayes and what’s the real story behind the University of California researcher’s sensational claim that he and his family are targeted victims of Big Ag? According to the amphibian scientist and as echoed in a recent 8,000 word mega-feature in the New Yorker by Rachel Aviv, Hayes is an addled but unfairly attacked whistler-blower, victim of a multi-year long campaign by the seed and chemical company Syngenta to discredit his research and personally destroy him. It’s diabolical if true. But the Hayes-New Yorker narrative does not square so easily with the public record. Read More.